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Friday, December 31, 2010

The Mortgage Lender Implode-O-Meter News Pick-ups: FTC Blocks Loan Mod Consultants from Collecting Upfront Fees; 3Q Loan Production Stats; Florida Extends L.O Licensing Deadline; Unrealized Losses

fha-mortgage-rates-02-299x300Image by bds4us via FlickrThe Mortgage Lender Implode-O-Meter News Pick-ups: FTC Blocks Loan Mod Consultants from Collecting Upfront Fees; 3Q Loan Production Stats; Florida Extends L.O Licensing Deadline; Unrealized Losses
"Starting January 31, the Federal Trade Commission has banned consulting firms from charging up-front fees for negotiating modifications of residential mortgage loans. In Nevada, the Mortgage Lending Commissioner said the constraints of the federal rule "will have substantial impact" on the number of licensed consultants for mortgage loan modifications. His office counts 39 licensed loan modification firms with 185 licensed associates in Nevada. Critics say that the ruling favors large banks, which don't want advocates representing homeowners. As one would suspect, unethical mortgage modification firms often fail to do any work after collecting fees, and the FTC rule will prohibit mortgage modification firms from being paid in advance"
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