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Sunday, December 26, 2010

Mortgage - Conventional Mortgages - Mortgage - Conventional Mortgages

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First Mortgage Conforming Loan Limits

The Federal Housing Finance Agency (FHFA) publishes the conforming loan limits annually that apply to all conventional mortgages that are delivered to Fannie Mae, including both the general loan limits and the high-cost area loan limits. High-cost area loan limits vary by geographic location.

There will be no changes to the general loan limits or the high-cost area limits for loans originated in 2010. These 2010 limits are incorporated in Desktop Underwriter® Version 8.0 and applied based on property address.

Note that the loan limits apply based on the original loan amount, rather than the unpaid principal balance (UPB) at the time of delivery to Fannie Mae.

Maximum Original Principal Balance for 2010 Units Contiguous States, District of Columbia, and Puerto Rico Alaska, Guam, Hawaii, and the U.S. Virgin Islands

* High-cost area loan limits vary by geographic area; values in table are maximum amounts permitted across all high-cost areas. Use the resources below to determine limits by location and loan origination date. FHFA publishes the loan limits on its Web site and Fannie Mae provides tools for determining applicable loan limits. See Resources below.

High-Balance Loan Feature

For loans using the high-cost area loan limits, Fannie Mae offers the high-balance loan feature. Specific eligibility and other details for the high-balance loan feature are included in the Selling Guide and the Single-Family Mortgage Products page of this Web site.
High-Balance Loan Feature page


Loan Limits by Area

Listings of loan limits by area, as determined by FHFA, are provided below. The spreadsheet provides drop-down menus to allow sorting and viewing by county, state, or MSA.
View the list of loan limits
(.xls, 688K)

Loan Limit Geocoder

Use the Loan Limit Geocoder™ to find loan limit information for specific addresses – enter a single address or a batch file.
Access the Loan Limit Geocoder

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