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Thursday, January 6, 2011

Daily Rate Update: 1/5/2011

Daily Rate Update: 1/5/2011: "

Average Mortgage Rates

30 Yr FRM




15 Yr FRM




FHA 30 Year




Jumbo 30 Year




5/1 Yr ARM



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Updated: 1/5/11 6:17 PM

Jan 5, 2011 6:16PM

Mortgage Rates: ADPJobs Preview Pushes Closing Costs Higher

Yesterday, we wrote 'the release of the ADP Employment Report in the morning could provide some directional guidance because that data tends to be a preview of things to come in the Employment Situation Report (to be released Friday morning at 8:30am).' Today, we've seen what borders on a worst-case-scenario transpire with respect to that data.

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